Questions? Email
Registration is now closed!
Steps to participate:
Consider a topic and develop a scientific question to study (“Does _____ affect _____?”). Alternatively, identify a problem to be solved by an engineering design.
See our resource and idea document HERE.
Complete the participant entry/registration form by Friday, December 20, 2024.
Note: All participants must receive safety approval for their Science Fair project.
Do not begin a project until your project has been approved.
Email with questions.
Conduct a Scientific Experiment / Develop an Engineering Design. Remember to have adult supervision and good safety practices.
Adult supervision and safety practices are a must. For safety reasons, experiments involving fire, mold, or other types of bacteria will not be approved.
Prepare a Display Board. Project Boards will be distributed on January 6th and January 9th, 2025 after school hours. Separate communication will be sent closer to the dates.
Display Board Drop-off instructions will be provided separately.
Attend the Science & Engineering Fair during the school day and the evening program on Thursday, January 16, 2025. Student scientists and engineers will have the opportunity to showcase their projects and explain their findings to their
Participants must take projects home on the evening of January 16, 2025.